Howdy, World!

This is the obligitory blog post from a not-famous-at-all web designer who writes a blog post once in a blue moon about moving from one blogging platform to another. So it all started with a little blogging platform called Textpattern

Those were good times. I built a blog using Textpattern and participated in the community a bit. I even used it for some client work. It wasn’t long, however, before I realized that something more robust was needed for client work. How I found ExpressionEngine, I can’t remember, but its discovery opened up a whole new world. Whereas Textpattern had custom fields through the means of a plugin, ExpressionEngine was all about custom fields and organizing content however you preferred. Yes, ExpressionEngine is amazing, but it’s really big. And yet I built another blog using the free version and wrote a couple of short posts. And then my blog died.

I have no idea what happened, but I didn’t care enough to try and fix it. So this domain had a dead website for quite a while. Now let’s fast foward to Node.js and the popularity of static site generators. I had been using Node along with Bower and Gulp for local development tasks, and it was fun. It’s still fun. So that started the search for a “fun” JavaScript blog generator powered by Node. I tinkered with a few, but the simplest for me was Hexo. After installing and customizing a theme to my liking, here I sit writing my first post.

So, after all of that, I’ll be really honest about two things:

  1. I’m not a very prolific writer by any means, so don’t expect a post every week or even every month. Or every six months.
  2. When I do write something, don’t expect it to be Pulitzer material.

And away we go!